CTCC Family Ministry


The Vision of Canaan’s Family Ministry is to strengthen and enrich the relationship of married couples, and equip parents with skills and insights to raise their children based on the Word of God and Christian values. Furthermore, we seek to build out a network of mentoring relationships so that young families can benefit from the wisdom of those that have been there before.

迦南家庭事工的願景: 鞏固及豐富夫妻之間的關係。 裝備父母以神的話語與不同的教導方式來養育孩子。此外,建立 “學長姐與學弟妹"的關係,使年輕的家庭能藉由有經驗的家庭的經歷和鼓勵得著祝福。

MARRIAGE The two core values in marriage according to the Scripture are LOVE and RESPECT. These are the values that we seek to instill in all married couples at our church. We desire all marriages to last a lifetime under God’s protection and guidance.

So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband - Ephesians 5:33

幸福婚姻: 根據聖經,婚姻中最核心的價值是愛與敬重。我們希望教會中每對夫妻都能將他們的婚姻建立在這兩個價值觀上。在神的帶領與保護下,享受一生幸福活潑的婚姻。


無論怎樣,你們各人都要愛自己的妻子,好像愛自己一樣。妻子也應當敬重丈夫。 - 以弗所書 5:33

PARENTING Parents are not their children’s masters. Instead, parents are to be good stewards of their children, whom God has entrusted to them. The goal of parenting is to help your children develop their God given gifts, and to walk in the path that God has prepared for them in advance.

Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it - Proverbs 22:6

親子關係: 父母不是孩子的主人。 反之,父母是上帝所託付的管家。父母的責任是幫助孩子發展上帝所賜與的潛力並使他們一生走在神的道路中,活出榮耀神的生命。

教養孩童,使他走當行的道,就是到老他也不偏離。- 箴言22:6