Our Beliefs and Values
As a non-denominational evangelical church, we affirm the following core values:
- The Bible is our central authority for Christian belief and practice.
- The Apostles’ Creed is our basic doctrinal guide and affirmation.
- We are called to minister to the Taiwanese, Asian American, and wider community in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond.
Who We Are
Canaan Taiwanese Christian Church is a multilingual and multigenerational community of faith. We are a diverse people bound together by our calling to be God’s family of love and grace. We welcome people of all ages and backgrounds to visit us, explore faith with us, and grow with us.
Our Story
In 1980, Canaan Taiwanese Christian Church was established by a fellowship of Taiwanese Christians who wanted to share the message of God's love with the Taiwanese community in Silicon Valley and beyond. From the beginning, Canaan has been a missional church, supporting missionaries and missions organizations, and actively engaging in missions work locally and globally. Our worship services and gatherings in Mountain View developed into ministries for Taiwanese, English, and Mandarin speakers, along with growing youth and children’s ministries. In 2009, we relocated to the current site in north San Jose, which better accommodates our multiple worship services, group gatherings, classes, expanding children's ministries, and new ministry opportunities.
The Canaan logo was originally designed by Canaan’s first pastor, Rev. Donald Liu. The logo is made up of the letters CTCC from the full church name, Canaan Taiwanese Christian Church. The logo was intended to resemble a cluster of grapes, representing Canaan as a land of promise (Numbers 13), and reminding us to bear fruit by remaining connected to Jesus Christ (John 5).
What to Expect
Canaan is home to people with a diversity of backgrounds. You will find a mix of Taiwanese and non-Taiwanese, first and second generation immigrants and beyond, across a spectrum of ages and life stages: seniors, children, youth, young adults, singles, couples, and families. Members come from communities and schools all over the Bay Area. At Canaan, you might meet an engineer, a stay-at-home parent, a doctor, a student, a widow, a divorcee, someone between jobs, a person with disabilities or special needs, a restaurant worker, an entrepreneur, a teacher, an artist, or a salesperson. Similarly, you will find people with a variety of faith backgrounds: people who do not consider themselves religious, people who have been following Christ for a long time, people who are the first in their circle of family and friends to call themselves Christian, people with backgrounds or family histories of other beliefs, and people who come from families with a long legacy of Christian faith. We worship and gather in Taiwanese, English, or Mandarin. Many members eventually have multiple family members and generations participating in various language and age ministries at Canaan.
Each week, services and gatherings for various ages and languages take place. Details can be found on the webpages for Taiwanese, English, Mandarin, youth, and children's ministries. Sunday morning services and classes are available at Canaan for children, youth, and adults in Taiwanese, English, and Mandarin. Nursery care is provided on Sunday mornings. Several times a year (in addition to weekly Sunday lunches), the various language groups and age groups of Canaan participate together in all-church celebrations and activities, including all-church worship services to celebrate baptisms, children's summer camp, missions trips, and an all-church weekend retreat.